Tatiana is certified as a clear, multi-dimensional channeler of light and love. She offers spiritual guidance and light activation. Her abilities include bringing through messages from Spirit by entering into an altered state of consciousness by stepping aside to allow for higher intelligence to come forth to provide guidance and clarity in ways that will help to lift the consciousness & vibration of humanity and the planet as a whole. She has a deep passion for helping others open to their true authentic self in a safe and loving space. She is compassionate when it comes to working with Spirit to help bring forth healing of body, mind and spirit to humans, plants and animals as well as the planet.
Tatiana remembers "waking up" at a very early age and innately knowing how to meditate and communicate with other beings such as angels, saints, elementals, birds, and insects as well as her dogs. Being a clairvoyant, she remembers seeing angels and other beings of light throughout her life, always coming to her aid. Tatiana had many childhood experiences such as astral travel, or out of body experiences & always felt fiercely protected & deeply loved by her guides and team of angels. She had always felt and known that she had a mission or a purpose and that was to be in service in ways to bring more love and compassion to this world and has committed herself to this path due to her love of humanity & all life.
Tatiana Mera is not doctor and does not offer treatments or a diagnoses. She believes that spirituality is a personal journey and that everyone's path is unique. Tatiana strives to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment where people can explore and grow.
Copyright © 2024 Tatiana Mera - All Rights Reserved.